Monday, September 5, 2011

third person

sweat and sexual tension played
wicked games inside my cranium

and i thought to myself

why analyze a short story
spun around six packs and shot glasses

let the plot run its course
then forget it ever happened

indifference is the best possible action

never mind that my hearts a bit too open
to put anything but feeling first

randomly exchanging sweat and saliva
sharing a series of kisses in the dark
it felt more like balancing my checkbook
adding such and such to a list of past transactions

i expected my nerves to scream themselves awake
the heat should have been too intense for them to sleep
but they didnt so much as move
like the whole time they knew i was only dreaming

maybe they were on to something

these memories dont feel like mine

1 comment:

  1. "these memories dont feel like mine"

    brilliant. we can't put our desires on this id-driven autopilot, but how much can you dare to feel? sex-positivity ftw, pero... the connection between sex and your emotional center is undeniable. brava.
